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Minutes, July 2010
Bolton Public Library
Board of Trustees
Meeting July 6, 6:00 p.m.
Program Room

Present: Bob Zak, Roland Ochsenbein, Chris Sterling
Also present: Kelly Collins

Agenda Items:

The minutes of the May meeting were approved.
Director’s Report:
There was no written director’s report. Kelly is collecting statistics to show the library complies with state standards. In the first 5 – 6 months the new library saw attendance up 100%, and circulation up 39%, as compared to the same period of time in the old library. Kelly will look into getting a counter for the children’s room so usage there can also be recorder. It was suggested that these statistics be posted on the library’s web site to make the public aware of how much the library is used.

Meeting with Boxborough Library Director:
The meeting with Maureen Strapko was very productive. Bob will contact the person who was instrumental in setting up the Boxborough Library Foundation for assistance in setting up one for the Bolton Libray.

We will be returning $1,635.97 from the operations budget, and about $16,000 from the wages budget.

Republican Committee:
As it turned out, the Republican Committee did not make a request to reserve the program room. There was, however someone standing outside of the library gathering signatures for nomination papers.

Library Sign:
All present agreed that it would be nice to have some way to publicize events at the library. It was felt that more people would attend if they were reminded about programs when they drove past the library.

Building Update:
There will be an attempt made to use a camera on a snake to investigate the drain problem.
There is still a problem with the timing of the parking lot lights. One night the lights remained on all night. We have the part needed to fix the breakers, but no one has shown up to install it. In the mean time, it was felt that it would be fine to have no parking lot lights in the summer, but the problem will need to be addressed when it gets dark earlier.
Bob will follow up with Ann Hurd about her septic system. Removing stumps is no longer part of the project budget.
There is no progress on the punch list. Rolland will participate in a conference call with Bob White next Tuesday.

Donation of Art Work:
A motion was made by Chris, seconded by Roland, and passed unanimously to accept the donation by Lori Colby of a three panel painting. The painting will be displayed in the periodical room above the perpetual book sale.

Train Table:
The Friends have expressed the desire to purchase a train table for the children’s room. Roxanne is not in favor of having one. She is concerned about the mess, and the need to have staff members picking up parts left on the table. Kelly will talk to other libraries that have train tables to find out what their experiences have been. The issue appears to be one of making the children’s room more engaging, which might be accomplished by other means.

The next meeting will be Tuesday August 3 at 6 p.m. at the library.

Respectfully submitted, the Trustees,

Robert Zak                      Roland Ochsenbein                       Christine Sterling